Happy today sayang. Yes we can. We can passed one year in our marriage. A lot of blessings Allah gives to us. A lil cute baby was born to complete our marriage.
Hope we can pass another years in our marriage.
Hold my hand and we walk together.
There's nothing i can say, errr yeah u know what will i say 😉 hehehe always have..always will :*
Happy anniversary mba, smoga langgeng trus yaaaa
@Mila : sama2 mbak
YEs you can 🙂
@Teh Lidya : ^.^
Heppy Wedding Anniversary yah mba Ran^^
Semoga bahagia terus dan Mawaddah rumah tangganya 😀
*Ciee… blognya baju baruu yeee*
@Dhe : mksh mbak..belum kelar ngecat neh blog hikz
waaaaa! iindahnya aniversarry 😉
selamat ya kak ranny 😀
@Andie : sama2 andie
alhamdulillah 🙂
@mbak Tyka : makasihh ^.^